Service of products
For better operation of all products manufactured in PSS SVIDNÍK, a.s., SECTION 12 C – Customer Service has been established, which provides quality service at our customers’ place of business.
Warranty Repair Service
(within 48 hours)
During the warranty period, SECTION 12 C removes a failure emerging in our products within 48 hours. If complex repair is needed, SECTION 12 C communicates with customer and arranges the earliest possible term for the failure removal.
Post Warranty Repair Service (periodic)
Through post warranty repair service – periodic, we take care of our customers and the products manufactured in PSS SVIDNÍK, a.s.. Introduction of regular post warranty repair service at the customer’s place ensures a performance level of the purchased equipment without unwanted shutdowns. SECTION 12 C recommends our customers how often this repair should be carried out and arranges an appropriate time for its implementation. This repair is inversely associated with the inspection services.
Inspection Service
At the customer’s place, service inspection of the device set aside from production is provided. Authorized service technician from SECTION 12 C draws up a report of the inspection intervention. On the basis of this report, a schedule of repairs and a list of worn out spare parts are prepared.
Standard Repair Service (unplanned)
At the customer’s initiative (after the problem is specified), intervention of a service technician of PSS SVIDNÍK, a.s. follows.
Ing. Dávid Ondusko
Tel.: +421 54 7862 213
Mob.: +421 907 915 188
