In 2004 we obtained the quality management certificate STN EN ISO 9001:2001 (currently corresponds to the standard STN EN ISO 9001:2016). This standard addresses a procedural approach in customer-supplier relationships. This basic principle must be applied in the implementation of the quality system and subsequently defended annually in the certification audit, which we have been doing so far successfully.
For all machines and equipment produced, Division 5 – Quality issues a Declaration of Conformity in accordance with European and third contry directives, or as required by the customer.
Pressure tanks including pressure and safety facilities are manufactured and supplied according to customer requirements or in accordance with European Parliament Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU or ASME (US market) or EAC (Euroasian confirmity) or according to ML (Manufacture Licence) China for the chinese market or according to the national regulations of the Republic of Poland.
According to customer requirements, vessels can be manufactured within the EU according to EN 13445 or AD 2000 Merkblatt.