History of the company
History of the company

- Beginning of production in the company
- Organizational change took place and former operating plant was transformed into a company for the production of machines and equipment for meat processing
- Completion of factory’s site works

- Breweries and Brewing Equipment were included into the production program

- Transformation from a state enterprise into a joint stock company
- Privatization of the joint stock company
- Implementation of a new organizational structure, that has helped us to reconcile all the activities that take place in the company and bring them in order

- We obtained the quality management system certificate STN ISO 9001:2001 (currently conforms to STN ISO 9001:2016)

- An important milestone was the change iof the corporate name, under which the company has worked for so many years since its establishment.
- The business name of the company was chagned from Potravinárske Strojárne Svidník, a.s. to PSS SVIDNÍK, a.s.
- This led to the subsequent modification of the company name

- New generation of machines and equipment for large-scale meat processing was included into the production program

- Overall, in 2012 we sold a record 14 breweries, which significantly strenghtened our position in foreign markets
- In 2015 we delivered the largest brewery to produce 200 000 HL of beer per year and the largest hamburger and minced meat production line for 14 t/h.

- Our showroom was approved and put into operation
- New in-house information system was successfully launched

- We introduced our meat processing machines, equipment and automatic lines to the pet food industry. We started producing pet food preparation lines for wet pet food producers
- Based on the needs of the pet food industry, we developed two new devices – the GPU (Gravy Preparation Unit) and EHE (Enzymatic Hydrolysis Equipment)